
Suzhou City Dulwich waterproof Technology Co., Ltd
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General rules for waterproof mortar for external waterproofing of external thermal insulation

Author:海伟小编 ComeFrom:原创 Date:2012-8-21 18:25:01 Hits:627
1, the primary surface should be smooth hair surface, smooth surface should be done interface treatment, and fully wet.
2, the preparation of waterproof mortar should meet the following requirements:
Proportion should be in accordance with the design requirements.
Preparation of latex polymer cement waterproof mortar, the emulsion should first stir, then add the required proportion of mixing material in the mixing evenly.
Dry powder polymer cement waterproof mortar should be added in accordance with the provisions of mixing evenly.
Powder waterproofing agent Preparation of ordinary waterproof mortar, should be the first proportion of cement, sand and powder waterproof agent dry mix evenly, add water and stir well.
Liquid waterproofing agent Preparation of ordinary waterproof mortar, the proportion of cement and sand should first be dry and mix well, then add water diluted liquid waterproofing agent evenly.
3, the preparation of a good waterproof mortar should be used within 1h; construction shall not be arbitrary water.
4, the interface material brushing thickness should be uniform, covering completely. Waterproof mortar should be timely after the construction.
5, waterproof mortar smear construction should meet the following requirements:
Thickness greater than 10mm should be layered construction, the second layer should be a layer of the former refers to non-stick when carried out, the layers should be bonded firmly.
Each layer should be continuous construction. When the stubble should be used, should be used step-shaped stubble, the stubble from the parts of the yin and yang angle not less than 200mm; upper and lower layers should be staggered over 300mm. The next step should be in accordance with the order of operation, layers of lap close.
Spray construction, the spray nozzle nozzle should be perpendicular to the base surface, a reasonable adjustment of the pressure, the nozzle and the base surface distance.
Smear should be compacted, smoothed; should be punctured when the bubble to ensure that shop smashing dense.
Smooth, compaction should be completed before the initial coagulation.
6, windowsill, window lintel and protruding wall of the waist and other parts of the surface slope of the water slope should be accurate, outside the mouth along the drip line should be straight, straight.
7, mortar waterproof layer sub-lattice stitching to leave the location and size should meet the design requirements. Sealing of the sub-grid joints should be waterproof mortar up to 80% of the design strength after sealing before the sub-grid should be cleaned up clean, sealing material should be embedded in dense.
8, mortar waterproof layer angle should be wiped into a circular arc, the radius of the arc should be not less than 5mm, angle wipe pressure should be straight.
9, door frames, window frames, pipes, embedded parts and other waterproof layer should be left at 8mm ~ 10mm wide groove, sealing treatment should meet the requirements of paragraph 7 of this article.
10, mortar waterproof layer does not reach the state of hardening, not watering conservation or directly by the rain erosion. Polymer cement waterproof mortar should be used after curing alternating wet and dry curing methods; ordinary waterproof mortar waterproof layer should be in the final set after the moisturizing maintenance. Conservation time should not be less than 14d. During the conservation period shall not be frozen. Technical code for waterproofing protection of building exterior wall. JGJT
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