
Suzhou City Dulwich waterproof Technology Co., Ltd
Address: Wujiang District, Suzhou City, seven are the town of Linhu Industrial Park Chuangju Road
Mobile:15906255977 Sheng director
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Description of standard construction joints for flat roof waterproofing and thermal insulation

Author:海伟小编 ComeFrom:原创 Date:2012-7-4 18:21:21 Hits:599
Applicable to the roof of the Master, non-Master roof, underground garage roof, insulation roof, no insulation roof.
1.1, waterproofing the first clean-up before the grass-roots level, the same waterproof coating thickness, no blistering from the skin, flanging height to meet regulatory requirements.
2.2, before the construction of membrane yin and yang corner made of R50 rounded corners, to waterproof layer construction requirements.
3.3, the basic structure of concrete surface requirements with the smashing with the trowel.
4.4, to find the slope gradient to meet the design requirements, the surface with the requirements of cement mortar with ramming.
5.5, membrane construction and grass-roots bond strong, no drum. Coil and flanging height of the coil in line with regulatory requirements, flanging Department at the mouth of the membrane into the concrete protective layer or paint layer.
6.6, the roof of the pipe and the smoke junction and roof junction for reinforcement, waterproof construction in accordance with the procedures simultaneously.
7.7, rigid waterproof construction, the fine stone concrete compaction with the smashing with the trowel, sub-warehouse gap is not greater than 4X5 meters set, seam width 20mm, steel disconnected.
8.8, if the floor tiles, set the sub-positions can be set according to the floor tiles modulus requirements sub-warehouse gap with the ground seam alignment left to set the sub-slot joints to the same seam width width, head.
8.9, each waterproof layer construction must be done to protect the work, to ensure the integrity of each waterproof.