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The KDS empty Laying manual

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2017-1-5 14:55:51 Hits:871
KDS empty shop construction techniques and precautions operating conditions
The grass-roots following conditions are met, and go through the acceptance face handover procedures:
Grass-roots level should be clean, firm, smooth;
Straight angle grassroots yin and yang (negative angle of minimum radius of 50mm, sun angle minimum radius of 20 mm) made ​​of rounded;

The basic process
Shop clean-up grass-roots → "paving waterproofing membrane waterproofing membrane (empty shop) → Yang angle, node site inspection and acceptance of additional layer → → torn waterproofing membrane on the surface of the isolation membrane the surface brushing → ​​Road grout or dry shake cementpowder → basement floor structure layer construction.
Note: The basement floor plane the empty shop construction method, the local basement floor facade the plane turning point, slope position may, at its discretion, full bonding or point bonding method of construction, the permanent guide wall parts of the upper and lower ends sticky point, can also be used nails to hangmethod.

Application Procedure
Clear the primary surface dust, debris. If out of water, you need to eliminate.
The laying of the line of control at the grassroots level on the pop-up coil, the coil dry shop at the control line on the grass-roots level (in addition to need to paste part of the grassroots, retaining membrane lower surface of the release paper) between adjacent coils overlap, long lap width of 80mm, the short side lap width of 80 mm. Lap before the first addition to exposing the sheet lap at the edge of the barrier film immediately after the paste with plastic roller rolling exhaust air force, the sheet lap side closely bonded.
Angle of yin and yang, the node parts of the web on the surface of the release paper addition to exposing the full bonding 500mm wide additional layer of waterproofing membrane.
Stones roll is completed, yer waterproofing membrane on the surface of the barrier film on the surface of the coil brushing a grout or sprinkle dry cement powder, in order to avoid the sticky feet of steel banding membrane.
Waterproof layer construction is completed as soon as possible basement floor structure layer construction.
Organizational acceptance.

Construction Notes
Reinforced vertical and horizontal transportation, comply with handle with the principle of light, reinforced hanging put some wood and other interim measures of protection, avoid reinforced punctured coil, steel banding, concrete pad. Such as welded steel, with non-combustible material (such as asbestos cement board) block and watering the surface of the membrane, so as not to spark burn out waterproof layer, pouring concrete vibrator shall not direct contact with the waterproof layer.
Civil construction units in the follow-up to the waterproof layer construction process, such as accidentally destroyed the waterproof layer, once discovered should be promptly reported to the waterproof construction unit Buxiu. Found damaged membrane, the membrane sheet as a remedial measure timely Buxiu of, its edge is at least greater than the edge of the hole of 80mm, and cut into fillets around.
Adjacent two rows of coils short edge joints should be staggered over a width of 1/3, in order to avoid multi-layer joints overlapping web paste the uneven service.
Before construction waterproof layer should be a variety of wear waterproof layer embedded parts to install fixed, in order to avoid the waterproof layer construction, holes perforated damage the waterproof layer, leaving the leakage risk.
Next:KDS wet Laying Manual