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The DAS wet Shop Construction Manual

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2017-1-5 14:58:33 Hits:823
DAS wet-laid construction process and precautions operating conditions
Clear the primary surface debris, oil, sand, convex surface of the stone, mortar pimple should be clean;
Straight angle grassroots yin and yang (negative angle of minimum radius of 50mm, sun angle minimum radius of 20 mm) made ​​of rounded;
No, the base surface if out of water, to remove, to construction of the moisture content.
A variety of embedded parts have been installed and fixed completed.

The basic process

Grass-roots clean, moist → concrete (sand) pulp → node to enhance treatment → paving DAS waterproofing membrane → mention pulp Exhaust → long, short side lap bonded → organizational acceptance

Application Procedure
Brooms, shovels and other tools primary surface dust, debris clean, dry base surface to be pre-spray is moist, but not less residual water.
Concrete (sand) pulp, its thickness, as the grass-roots formation case may be, the shop wiping should pay attention to compaction, smooth. Corner in the shade, wiping rounded to a radius of more than 50mm. Shop concrete (sand) pulp width than the membrane of the long and short side should width from 100 to 300mm, and in Shop wiping process taken to ensure flatness.
Waterproof reinforcement layer in the node positions (such as: the yin and yang angle, construction joints, back strip and Deformation through the wall pipe) as a guide.
In addition to exposing the surface of the DAS waterproofing membrane separation membrane, the DAS waterproofing membrane paving concrete (sand) pulp primary coil self-adhesive lap.
Slapping the surface of the membrane with a wooden trowel or rubber sheet put pulp discharged under the surface of the membrane air, the membrane and the cement slurry (sand) close fit.
Using self-adhesive lap with a small hand-held pressure roller rolling lap parts, exhaust air, to make a solid paste lap width should meet the design requirements or specification.

Waterproof layer construction to complete the self-qualified, according to the program mortem report.

Construction Notes
Brooms, shovels and other tools primary surface dust, debris clean, dry base surface to be pre-spray is moist, but not less residual water.
Concrete (sand) pulp, its thickness, as the grass-roots formation case may be, the shop wiping should pay attention to compaction, smooth. Corner in the shade, wiping rounded to a radius of more than 50mm. Shop concrete (sand) pulp width than the membrane of the long and short side should width from 100 to 300mm, and in Shop wiping process taken to ensure flatness.
Waterproof reinforcement layer in the node positions (such as: the yin and yang angle, construction joints, back strip and Deformation through the wall pipe) as a guide.
In addition to exposing the surface of the DAS waterproofing membrane separation membrane, the DAS waterproofing membrane paving concrete (sand) pulp primary coil self-adhesive lap.
Slapping the surface of the membrane with a wooden trowel or rubber sheet put pulp discharged under the surface of the membrane air, the membrane and the cement slurry (sand) close fit.
Using self-adhesive lap with a small hand-held pressure roller rolling lap parts, exhaust air, to make a solid paste lap width should meet the design requirements or specification.
Waterproof layer construction to complete the self-qualified, according to the program mortem report.
DAS waterproofing membrane Stones, should be temporarily sealed shut at the coil (available tape or thick cement mortar seal), closing up the wall at the head of water to prevent excessive loss.
The short edge connector adjacent rows membrane should be staggered over 300mm width, in order to avoid multi-layer joints overlapping web paste the uneven service.
Waterproof layer construction is completed as soon as possible organizational acceptance, hidden in a timely manner, not suitable for prolonged exposure.
Supplemented by appropriate fixed when membrane in facade construction and medium format larger when, at the corner of the site.
Membrane in the construction site by the contamination, use a clean damp cloth to clean the membrane.

Application Procedure
Brooms, shovels and other tools primary surface dust, debris clean, dry base surface to be pre-spray is moist, but not less residual water.
Concrete (sand) pulp, its thickness, as the grass-roots formation case may be, the shop wiping should pay attention to compaction, smooth. Corner in the shade, wiping rounded to a radius of more than 50mm. Shop concrete (sand) pulp width than the membrane of the long and short side should width from 100 to 300mm, and in Shop wiping process taken to ensure flatness.
Waterproof reinforcement layer in the node positions (such as: the yin and yang angle, construction joints, back strip and Deformation through the wall pipe) as a guide.
In addition to exposing the surface of the DAS waterproofing membrane separation membrane, the DAS waterproofing membrane paving concrete (sand) pulp primary coil self-adhesive lap.
Slapping the surface of the membrane with a wooden trowel or rubber sheet put pulp discharged under the surface of the membrane air, the membrane and the cement slurry (sand) close fit.
Using self-adhesive lap with a small hand-held pressure roller rolling lap parts, exhaust air, to make a solid paste lap width should meet the design requirements or specification.
Waterproof layer construction to complete the self-qualified, according to the program mortem report.
Next:DAS dry shop construction manual