Product and service

Suzhou City Dulwich waterproof Technology Co., Ltd
Address: Wujiang District, Suzhou City, seven are the town of Linhu Industrial Park Chuangju Road
Mobile:15906255977 Sheng director
Patented Waterproof Membrane Series

PVS waterproofing membrane

Date:2017-1-5 14:05:49 Hits:1372

PVS is a superior performance of polymer multilayer compound water-proof materials, multilayer polymer waterproof sheet material as the principal, including a layer of Dowell patented auto-adhesive, and multilayer polyethylene protective film to resist weather.

Width: 1m thickness: 1.2mm,1.7mm, 2.0mm Male Nominal Area: 30m2
Other sizes are determined by mutual agreement

Mark Example
Product Name Code, thickness and standard numbering sequence tags, tag content can also be added as needed.
Example: thickness of 2.0mm PVS self-adhesive film waterproofing membrane, mark, such as: PVS-2.0mm Q/DW054-2013

Physical Properties
1Tensile propertiesTensile strength at break/(N/50mm) ≥100500
Elongation at break/%≥400400
2Flexibility at low temperature/℃-20℃-25℃
 No cracks
3Heat resistance/℃70℃,2h Slide does not exceed 2mm
4Impermeability/Mpa0.3 Mpa ,120min,No leakage

Can be directly exposed to the sun, the main materials are self-cleaning function, pollutants on its surface is not easy to coloring.
Long life, anti-aging, acid and alkali, so that the entire water system life longer than the general waterproof material.
High tensile strength, elongation, heat dimensional changes of the grass-roots stretching deformation adaptability.
Resistance to root penetration, can be used for green roofs.
Low temperature flexibility and good heat resistance. Maintain good flexibility at low temperatures (-25 ° C).

Coupled with excellent performance because of its unique formula to make it applicable to all areas of waterproof.

Construction Points
Construction of grass-roots strength, thickness, moisture content and other indicators should be consistent with national norms design requirements before construction of PVS. Paving Stones roll in the correct order, flat and straight, not bent, in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the width of the lap. The paste method according to the construction, if necessary, to mechanically fixed, fully adhered or strip sticky, the membrane closing at the head to be fixed, after the completion of the work trial to conduct a comprehensive inspection.

Storage & transportation
Avoid the sun and rain, attention to ventilation, storage temperature should not be higher than 45 ° C, and transportation to prevent tilt or horizontal pressure, if necessary, covered with tarpaulin.
Shelf life: in normal storage conditions of transport, storage period from the date of one year.